Friday, December 8, 2023

BASKETBALL: Player / Parent Contract [2023-2024]

 Dear Student-Athletes and Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Thomas Russell Middle School athletics!  We look forward to an exciting and challenging season.  To make a quality team a reality requires dedication, cooperation, and teamwork from all involved with the program: athletes, parents, and coaches.  This blog post includes our expectations as coaches of all members of the team and contains valuable information that will answer many of the questions that you might have about our program. 

Please read and sign below.


1. Positive communication and interactions with teammates and coaches.

2. Respecting school property, attire, and rules.

3. Please respect ourselves, others, and the properties of others when visiting other school campuses.

4. Respect school bus travel by showing mature self-discipline to and from away games.

5. Learn to control your temper and keep negative comments to yourselves.

6. Do not discuss concerns with other student-athletes..

Again, welcome to the team!  Let's work together to make this a fun and successful season.

Thomas Russell Middle School Basketball Team


Head Coach: Tony Suarez,

All students who are members of TRMS basketball understand that being part of this team is a tremendous commitment and dedication to the game and their team. Likewise, parents make great commitment and sacrifice for their children to play on the team. Playing for the Wolverines is a privilege, not a right. Athletes are also expected to understand that being part of an after-school, extra-curricular sports team is a part of competitive athletics; therefore, a specific amount of playing time is NOT GUARANTEED. As TRMS students and parents/guardians, we understand and agree to follow the contract.

Player Responsibilities

1. As a student first, then athlete your first priority is to maintain a 2.0 GPA with no “F”s.

2. Players will stay eligible, understanding that if they are ineligible (Academic/Social Probation List) for three weeks throughout the season they will be dismissed from the team.

3. All players will treat coaches, officials, teammates, and opponents with respect.

4. All players will arrive to practice and games with a positive attitude, ready to learn and work hard.

5. Attendance at all practices and games is mandatory. Injured players are still expected to come to practice and games, listen to coaches, and encourage their teammates.

6. Players may be excused from attending practices and games for emergencies, or if a player tells a coach via phone or verbally at the earliest possible time.

7. When a player misses practice he may lose playing time in the next game.

8. Players are to be on time for all practices and games, if this becomes a problem they could lose playing

time. There is a saying that goes, “If you are early, you’re on time, if you’re on time, you’re late, and if you’re late, don’t bother showing up”.

9. Players are responsible for seeking understanding or resolution to a problem or question when it arises with coaches or teammates.

10. Players are expected to be on their best behavior and represent the team well at school, practice, games, bus rides, and in the community.

Parent Responsibilities

1. Parents will treat players, coaches, officials, and opponents with respect.

2. Parents will be asked to keep a positive attitude when addressing members of the team opponents and officials.

3. Coaching is to be done by the coaches on staff. Parents agree to refrain from coaching and directing their child or other players during the game.

4. Parents will discuss player and team concerns directly with a coach before talking to the athletic

director. These meetings will not happen directly before or after a game but will be scheduled for a

later date. If the concern is unresolved after the meeting, the parent can contact the athletic director at that time.

5. Parents understand that this is a non-equal playing time environment and playing time will not be discussed.

6. Parents understand that their child must bring any concerns they have to coaches first before parents talk with coaches about it.

7. Parents will make sure their child attends all practices, meetings, and games.

8. Parents will make sure their child eats a balanced meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner) every day.

9. Parents will make sure that if a student is going to be late to school, leave in the middle, or not attend for any reason they need to contact the school before 8:30am that day, or the student-athlete will not be able to participate in practice or games that day.

10. Parents will pick up their child on time after practice and games.

Coach Responsibilities

1. Coaches are responsible to abide by the rules of conduct embodied in this contract.

2. Coaches will refrain from using curse words in front of players, parents, and officials.

3. Coaches will balance the individual growth of players and the team.

4. Coaches will promote a positive atmosphere in all basketball activities.

5. Coaches will devote the time necessary for a successful program.

6. Coaches will push and challenge each player to be the best they can be for the program.

7. Coaches put players in spots where they will be successful so that the team can be successful.

8. Coaches will teach the game of basketball to the best of their ability so that the players can become better and so the team as a whole can become better.

9. Coaches will treat all TRMS staff members, players, coaches, officials, and opponents with respect.

10. Coaches will maintain an open line of communication with players and parents.

Practice Protocol

1. All team practices alternate from 2:45-4:45 PM or 5:00-7:00 PM Monday-Friday unless otherwise

notified. Refer to the practice calendar at for confirmation of time.

2. Players will come ready to play dressed in proper shorts, shirts, and shoes.

3. Jewelry will not be allowed during practice.

4. Players will be expected to help with setup and cleanup of practice.

5. All practices are mandatory unless otherwise stated.

6. As stated before, if a player will be tardy or absent from school, the school must be notified by 8:30am, or they cannot participate.

7. Players are only allowed 1 unexcused absence from practice before they will be dismissed. An unexcused absence is any absence not approved by a coach before practice. Emergencies will be excused.

Game Day Protocol

1. All games are deemed mandatory. If a player must miss they need to clear it with a coach beforehand.

2. As stated before, if a player will be tardy or absent from school, the school must be notified by 8:30am, or they cannot participate.

3. All players will be expected to dress nice on game day (ex. polo or tie and dress shirt).

4. Players that travel will be released early from school. Players are expected to get what they will miss from teachers and then hustle down to the locker room to change into uniforms.

5. Players must check in with the team coach before leaving campus.

6. Players will be respectful at away games and clean up after themselves on the bench/bleachers.

7. Players may stay and support both teams, and players are expected to sit together during games.

8. It is the players' responsibility to check out with the team coach before leaving the away game.


1. Are to be kept clean and washed after every game. You should wash them on a cold and gentle cycle then hang them to dry. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM PUTTING IN THE DRYER.

2. The uniform is given to the player only; therefore no one else should be wearing it. If the uniform is damaged or lost, the player/parents will be responsible for paying for a replacement.



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